lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll

lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll | Lok Sabha elections 2024 : How are people seeing Anupri or Patel in Mirzapur? best pm

lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll

Mirzapur city is situated on the right bank of the Ganga flowing in Vindhyachal.. Lal Bahadur Shastri Bridge connects this city to the north. 

This bridge is the only road route to cross Mirzapur and come towards the north.

As soon as we reach Shastri Bridge to go to Mirzapur city from Bhadohi side., Long queues of vehicles will be seen here. Being a main road, there is always a traffic jam here.

The condition of the bridge is dilapidated and there are signs of repair., The potholes on the side of the bridge prove this

There is no lighting on the bridge at night. Many local people have lost their lives in overtaking

Traffic is passing through the bridge these days. This bridge opened only last month after repair.. But this old bridge, considered the lifeline of Mirzapur, often remains closed.

Whenwhen this bridge closes, Transport support traders of Mirzapur suffer huge losses and the lives of common people get affected.

In this election season, the businessmen of Mirzapur seem to be particularly angry over the inconvenience caused by the old bridge.

In fact, This bridge of Mirzapur is Bhadohi, The only way to go to Jaunpur and Varanasi is

Every day traffic on the bridge is stopped in the name of repairs., This is why Bhadohi, One has to travel a long distance to reach Jaunpur and Varanasi.

Tran support businessman Jaishankar Yadav says,”Truck traders in the district are distressed. The bridge is deliberately closed three to four times a year so that more and more trucks going from Mirzapur to Banaras pass through Narayanpur toll plaza and heavy toll tax can be collected.. If we cross the bridge, there is no toll plaza till Banaras through this route and the distance is also less..” 

they say,“additional cost of freight transportation, We truck dealers have to pick up. Lakhs of people visit the world famous Maa Vindhyavasini Devi temple located in our district. 

People also have to face inconvenience.” 

lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll

Don’t worry about black people 

Mirzapur is known in the country and the rest of the world for its carpet business.. People are amazed to see the intricate work on the carpets here.

The artisans here, in the company of sharp knives and claws, Have expertise in drawing exact patterns on the warp with the finest wool threads.

there was a round, When the sound of threads being cut and laid down was heard from every house here. But now this business of this city is also cold

Carpet makers claim that basic facilities are no longer available to the artisans

The artisans have to work all day long for meager wages, while the fine particles emitted from the yarn used in carpet manufacturing cause respiratory diseases to the artisans.. They explain that there are many processes involved in carpet manufacturing.

dyeing, weaving, Washing, harvesting, The health of workers working in packing is adversely affected.

Suryabali Bind, a carpet artisan from Hussainipur village of Kon block, says,“Earlier we used to make our own carpets and sell them in the open market at good prices, but due to lack of government control, today this sector is monopolized by selected companies.. all the small traders, everything is over.” 

lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll

Expensive eWhat is the chosen v issue? 

The effect of inflation is the same in Mirzapur also., As seen in the rest of the country

Ashok Kumar, a wholesaler of straw, is waiting for the customer by setting up his magic at Bharuhana intersection.

Ashok Kumar’s family has been a supporter of BJP and he, Praise the government for the Samman Nidhi in the accounts of farmers and improved electricity system.

But their tone changes on the question of inflation and unemployment.. Ashok Kumar says, “The present government is working but is not able to control inflation..” 

He said that a lot of money is being spent on the education of children but there is no employment arrangement for them..

he says,“My daughter has taken B.Ed degree but vacancy is not coming..” Even after trying hard, Ashok Kumar cannot hide his anger with the government on these issues.. What are the people of Mirzapur villages saying? 

Five assembly constituencies in Mirzapur Lok Sabha,12 block and 1967 are villages. Which side is on the left side of Ganga?, Majhwa and Sikhad blocks are. Nine blocks are situated on the right side of Ganga.. Lalganj, recently, investigation, hill, Patehra, Rajgarh, The land of Jamalpur block is rocky, These are hilly areas lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll.

Onka and Maurya, resident of which block, are LIC agents.

Omprakash says people no longer have money to save. Before demonetization, many people used to come to him for insurance., They used to earn good income but after the coming of this government it is becoming difficult to run the household lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll.

lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll

Omprakash believes that it is becoming difficult to teach children in this era of inflation.. readWritten children are wandering unemployed. ratesStumbling and hearing people’s taunts. even committing suicide. What is the fault of those children?

whose fault is it? On this question he says,“It’s all the fault of this system, belongs to the government.” 

he says,“I am from Koeri caste. my job is farming. Whenever I do it, I will do work beyond farming only., not wages. No one wants to leave their work, but when their work does not fill their stomach, they are forced to do other work..” 

People of Bhatauli village of Majhwa Assembly are troubled by the changing course of river Ganga.

People sitting on the platform built on the river bank tell,“When the bridge was not built on the river Ganga, At that time the river used to flow on one side and there was sand on the other side but since the bridge has been built, Mother Ganga has started flowing across. We are thirsty even though we live on the river bank. used to do a little farming, That too has gone away when the current changes..” 

Sitting there is Brahma Nishad who is engaged in fishing.. They say that since last years the fishes are getting so less that somehow life is not going well.able to make a living

Nishad says,“first differentvery different speciesBig fish used to be found but now everything is gone. Most of the fishermen in our village have started other jobs., young people go out to earn.” 

When asked questions on Nishad Party, Brahma tells,“I myself am an active worker and office bearer of Nishad Party but the party chief has no time from his family..He is just working to advance his family members.lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll 

lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll

Mr. Raza’s policy Political equality of Mirzapur 

Apna Party from Mirzapur parliamentary constituency for the last two consecutive terms. (S) National President of Anupriya Patel is MP. our team (S) Part of the BJP-led NDA alliance

2014 Before Anupriya Patel became MP, Very few people who understand the politics of Mirzapur would have guessed that she would establish her political roots firmly here.

2017 Rahul Prakash Kol of Anupriya’s party became MLA from Madihan assembly in the assembly elections of 2017.

2019 In the Lok Sabha elections of 2017, Anupriya Patel was elected MP from Mirzapur., Pakori Lal Kol was elected MP from the adjacent Sonbhadra seat on his party’s symbol.

Lok Sabha 2024 In the elections also, these two seats have come to Apna Dal’s account from the NDA alliance.. Anupriya Patel ,She is the second woman after Phoolan Devi who has reached Parliament by being elected on this seat.. lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll

This time, India Alliance’s ally Samajwadi Party has increased the excitement by changing its candidate on this seat.

Samajwadi Party has canceled the ticket of its own party’s State Vice President Rajendra S Bind and given it to Rameshchandra Bind.. This is not the first time, When SP changed its candidate in Mirzapur

last lok sabha election 2019 Even at the last moment the party changed its candidate.. But one thing is the same in both cases, That means both the candidates have been BJP MPs.

Rameshchand Bind has previously been the MLA of Majhwa Assembly of Mirzapur for three consecutive terms. He was in BSP then

2014 His wife had contested the Lok Sabha elections as a BSP candidate., Whom total 2,17,457 votes were received. She stood second in this election.were 

lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll

Why was Jendra S Bind’s ticket cut? 

This is the second time, When SP has given ticket to Rajendra S Bind

Rajendra S Bind tells BBC about his ticket being canceled,’Giving and cutting tickets is the decision of our national leadership. I am following his orders. I will do whatever it takes to make PDA alliance win.’ lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll

When asked about the video released by him after the ticket was issued, he said,’It is true that Rameshchandra Bind tried to put pressure on me but it does not make any difference to me.. I only

I am working as per the orders of my leader Akhilesh Yadav. Thinking about the decisions they might have made Must have done it after understanding”. lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll

External green versus local issues 

last in mirzapur 40 No local candidate has reached Parliament for years. last 40 For years, only outside candidates have been elected from the parliamentary constituency of Mirzapur.. lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll

Making this an issue, SP candidate Rameshchandra Bind took a dig at the sitting MP and said,, “Those who do not know the geographical location of Mirzapur,What will she do to develop Mirzapur? lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll

in addition to their 10 He also targeted the work done while being the Minister of State for Health over the years and currently the Minister of State for Heavy Industries and Steel.

Countering this, Anupriya Patel said in a street meeting,”I am giving them an open challenge. In whose eyes Anupriya Patel is an outsider, he has my open challenge, let them compete with my actions.” lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll

Candidates are struggling with internal opposition 

our team(S) National General Secretary of has resigned from all posts of the party

Behind this, he was very angry with Sonbhadra MP Pakori Lal Kol’s indecent remarks against Thakur and the Brahmin community.lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll

They did not want the party to give tickets to Pakoda Lal or any member of his family., Despite this, Pakori Lal Kol’s daughter-in-law and current Madihan Assembly MLA Rinki Kol has been made the candidate.lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll

Rinki Kol has won the by-election on the seat vacant after the death of her husband Rahul Prakash Kol.

On the condition of anonymity, a party worker says,”Local leaders are unhappy about Anupriya Patel. The way his political stature is increasing, people are scared of him. People of his own caste also want him not to win the election this time.. Local leaders of Kurmi community are not getting importance because of Anupriya Patel.

The Brahmin community is angry with the remarks made by SP candidate Rameshchandra Bind towards Brahmins.

There is a significant number of Brahmins in the district.. Samajwadi Party’s District Vice President Swami Sharan Dubey and Assembly Vice President Surendra Dev Tripathi have resigned from their posts and the reason

Told that Rameshchandra Bind has insulted Brahmins, In such a situation, the party should not have made him a candidate.lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll

Ramkumar Vishwakarma, district president of BJP’s Backward Class Morcha, says,’The government has done a lot of work for the backward castes.’ 

he says,“We are people working on the principle of Antyodaya, This time also Anupriya Patel will become MP from Mirzapur.

last 10 When asked about his work over the years, Ramkumar says,“Madam MP has built a medical college in the district, roads are being built, Indian Oil terminal is being built in Dagmagpur., Drinking water has been arranged.” 

There is silence at the BSP office., only three hereonly four people are visible. lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll

office incharge mukundlal kesari says,“The present MP has only done the work of looting the district. There is corruption in every scheme. district traders, Farmer, the young people are all angry. BSP candidate Manish Tiwari is a local of Mirzapur and is from the corner of Mirzapur.know the corner. 40 After a year, the party has fielded a local candidate.” 

kesari says,“Manish Tiwari is an old worker of BSP and has held many positions., They are getting support from the whole society. People of hilly areas are facing the problem of employment.

lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll

Can’t find pa for pe ne 

Provide livelihood to the villages falling in the hilly area of ​​Mirzapur.One has to struggle a lot for bread, People from Madihan Tehsil 30-35 have come to work as laborers from villages kilometers away

The workers found here tell,“Every day we come to the city to work like animals, packed in rickshaw vehicles.. It is not necessary that you get work every day.. in our labor market 200 more people gather than, of which hardly 100-150 people can find work.” lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll

Shyamlal comes every day to work as a laborer.. Today he and some of his colleagues have not got work. After waiting till noon, going home with a sad heart

he says,“We have a shortage of water in summers.gets frightened. Government system fails and we are forced to collect water in rivers and drains., that too onego a kilometer away and bring. children’s educationwriting, it is becoming difficult to get medicine. There are very few children who can study more than tenth standard.. Everyone goes out to other states to work as laborers..”

Another laborer Rajesh says,“There is a lot of trouble in our village during rainy days., If any person is bitten by a snake, he dies before being brought to the district hospital.. If medicine is available in the local health center then the lives of many people can be saved.. But no MP has made any effort in this direction.” lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll

Status of health facilities in Mirzapur 

There is a divisional hospital in Mirzapur, Next to which a tram center is also built.. A medical college is also ready about three kilometers away from here.

The newly built medical college has not yet become fully operational.lok sabha election 2024 opinion poll

Admissions have been done in the college but there is neither OPD nor emergency facility.. In case of emergency, patients are referred to Banaras or Allahabad..

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