Samsung Galaxy Ring

Samsung Galaxy Ring Will Complement Galaxy Watches and Not Compete With Them | best ring in 2024

Samsung Galaxy Ring

Samsung believes the Ring will complement Galaxy Watches rather than compete against them, and plans to add features like sleep apnoea detection to its Health app which will work with it later this year.

Potential features for the Ring include tracking basic strength and HIIT workouts as well as monthly cycle tracking, with some reports even suggesting it could allow users to control devices via gesture recognition. A patent found by Wareable suggests this feature could even allow for gesture-controlled device control!

Samsung Galaxy Ring Fitness

The Galaxy Ring will allow users to monitor their steps, heart rate, breathing rate, calorie burn and more. Sleep tracking capabilities of the ring include reporting snoring patterns – an integral factor for sleep apnea detection. In addition, monitoring changes in blood oxygen levels and sleeping patterns is possible as well. Samsung Health will compile all this data and generate My Vitality Score with all this data compiled together.Samsung Galaxy Ring

Pak disclosed in late February in a blog post that the Galaxy Ring will feature a feature known as Booster Cards which provides wellness insights throughout the day to encourage healthy habits, such as heart rate, sleep quality and stress levels. These insights could include resting heart rate monitoring, quality sleep tracking as well as stress levels measurement. Since it will play nicely with Samsung Health’s Galaxy Wearable app and can offer fitness tracking alongside features available through Galaxy Watch devices.Samsung Galaxy Ring

No word yet on whether the Galaxy Ring will work with other smartwatches or phone apps; however, it could use the SmartThings Find network so your phone can help locate it if misplaced. There are no prices or release dates yet but expect it to go on sale sometime this year.Samsung Galaxy Ring

Samsung Galaxy Ring

Samsung Galaxy Ring Sleep

Sleep tracking is an integral feature of the Galaxy Ring. While Samsung may lag behind competitors such as Oura in this respect, who offer more intuitive wearables like Oura which track sleep effectively at an elite level – though Oura does require paying an annual subscription of $5.99 just to access specific metrics – Samsung stands head and shoulders above this competition in this department.Samsung Galaxy Ring

Samsung’s Galaxy Ring will offer sleep insights such as heart rate and movement during the night, sleep latency reporting, obstructive sleep apnea detection, among other functions. All this data will feed into My Vitality grade in Samsung Health app while readings will also be used to generate booster cards containing advice based on collected data.Samsung Galaxy Ring

Other notable features of the Galaxy Ring include sweat and temperature sensors for more accurate analysis of fitness, specifically measuring exertion during workouts or other activities, while providing feedback on form, according to Forrester’s Ask.

The Galaxy Ring will work exclusively with Android phones (sorry iPhone owners!) and will complement Samsung’s Galaxy Watch device. According to Pak, performance of some sensors of the Ring such as those that monitor sleep apnea improves when both devices are worn simultaneously.

Samsung Galaxy Ring Fertility

Samsung’s Galaxy Ring will not only help track fitness, sleep and nutrition; it can also monitor fertility thanks to Natural Cycles partnership. The device will monitor menstrual cycles and predict ovulation before providing users with a readiness score to help prepare them for each day ahead.

No one knows exactly how accurate that will be, but it certainly stands out in wearable technology. As for the Galaxy Ring itself, it stands out with its larger than usual form factor and shiny metal exterior and black plastic interior that could house health-tracking sensors, batteries and CPUs in one piece of jewelry – it makes perfect sense that its thickness exceeds most other forms.

Samsung brought prototypes to MWC that all varied slightly in size; unfortunately they weren’t an exact match for my finger. But they did promise nine sizes to cover ring sizes 5-13 and offered a $10 “sizing kit” where prospective buyers can try on plastic rings to see which fits best.

Samsung may not admit it is seeking to unseat market leader Oura, but Pak said the Galaxy Ring will serve as an accessible alternative to fitness wearables that provide too much information at once, like other fitness wearables do. Furthermore, Pak indicated it will work seamlessly with surrounding Samsung and Android devices, including its forthcoming Galaxy Watch 6; we should find out more details once its release later this year – possibly around July at Samsung’s Unpacked event.

Samsung Galaxy Ring

Samsung Galaxy Ring Diet

As soon as the Galaxy Ring hits stores this summer, it could prove more than a powerful fitness tracker. According to Chosun Biz’s report citing sources familiar with the project, officials claim it may integrate with Samsung Food and the e-Food Center service (available in Korea) in order to offer personalized meal recommendations tailored specifically towards BMI and caloric intake. In essence, it would act like your virtual nutritionist with recipes tailored around these factors.

This feature will be implemented through an update to the Samsung Health app later this year, alongside sleep analysis capabilities including sleep apnea detection. In addition, My Vitality Score – which will take into account these metrics and other information points – will also be introduced.

Samsung smart home devices such as refrigerators and ovens will connect with the Galaxy Ring to analyze what you have in your fridge and suggest diet-compatible meals, similar to what they already provide with their Galaxy Watch smart home integration. Samsung also plans on including advanced fitness features such as blood pressure monitoring and AFib detection but these require FDA approval; hence they won’t likely be ready for launch of the ring.

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