Kota Factory Season 3

Kota Factory Season 3 Review| best show in 2024

Kota Factory Season 3

Kota Factory is an engaging show for students going through the challenging maze of competitive exams, and Season 3 builds upon that by taking it further than many other shows would dare go.

Mayur More, Ranjan Raj, Alam Khan, Revathi Rillai and Ahsaas Channa have incredible arcs to play out this time around, while Tillotama Shome (Pooja Didi) makes for a welcome addition.Kota Factory Season 3

Kota Factory Season 3 Strong Dialogues

Kota Factory will resonate with any viewer who has spent time in a hostel or PG while studying for competitive exams. This season of the show focuses on issues plaguing these students while emphasizing family values and home.

Mayur More, Ranjan Raj, Ahsaas Channa, Revathi Rillai and Alam Khan from the original cast return this season but are joined by newcomers such as Tillotama Shome who provides a sophisticated performance as Pooja Didi. Season One opens with Viabhav, Uday, Meena and Vartika heading towards their IIT entrance exam day; soon however it becomes evident that these kids have more on their mind than just preparation alone.Kota Factory Season 3

Kota Factory stands apart from its predecessors in that it no longer focuses solely on student preparation; rather it also shows us the hardships teachers endure – this being particularly evident with Jeetu Bhaiya who’s trying hard to be both ‘bhaiya’ or’sir’ after losing one of her students.Kota Factory Season 3

Pratish Mehta brilliantly portrays how much these students owe their teachers and those who helped them on their path to adulthood through his narrative. The plot moves smoothly along with perfect synchronicity among music, visuals and dialogues.Kota Factory Season 3

Kota Factory Season 3

Kota Factory Season 3 Reliability

Kota Factory season 3 stands out as an outlier from its black-and-white predecessors in that it adds color and life to student lives. Focusing not just on JEE preparation and its associated anxiety but also friendships, romances, breakups and personal crises for its students; its dynamic young cast includes Mayur More, Ranjan Raj Ahsaas Channa Revathi Pillai Alam Khan and Tillotama Shome who deliver relatable performances that keep viewers invested.Kota Factory Season 3

Pratish Mehta takes over as director from Raghav Subbu and excels at handling this story with great finesse. From dealing with jealous family members to not trusting partners, every emotion is addressed in the show. Writers Punnet Batra, Pravin Yadav, Nikita Lalwani and Manish Chandwani do an exceptional job of telling the tale of life in a coaching town environment.

Recurring themes in this season center around an inability to trust one’s partner due to lack of communication, making the story relatable and relatable for viewers. The leads’ chemistry was excellent while Ahsaas Channa’s track being sidelined without apparent reason was disappointing as she is the sole NEET representative among her fellow actors in the cast.

Kota Factory Season 3 Storyline

Kota Factory is an outstanding series that has won audiences’ hearts due to its authenticity and powerful performances. The series follows IIT and NEET aspirants living in Kota; showing their struggles, doubts, and downfalls before showing the impact coaching has had on these students.Kota Factory Season 3

Kota Factory’s third season takes a deep dive into the mental and financial pressures that students experience, exploring themes not covered in other dramas – for instance, it shows students forced to work in low-paying jobs in order to afford coaching; also discussing student loan debt’s role in leading to more dependence and stress in one’s life.Kota Factory Season 3

Alongside exploring numerous issues, the show has introduced two new characters. Peddinti and Tillotama Shome join its cast; with Peddinti playing Bablu as Jeetu Bhaiya’s assistant; her performance was excellent in portraying all aspects of her character while Shome delivered an engaging Pooja Didi performance.

Kota Factory season 3 features an intricate and engaging storyline that will appeal to viewers of all ages, giving viewers a feeling of sympathy for its young protagonists whose minds may be clouded in preparations.

Kota Factory Season 3

Kota Factory Season 3 Conclusion

Kota Factory tells the tale of young minds striving to achieve greatness in life, journeying from faraway cities to join Kota coaching institutes with hopes of passing one of the toughest exams – IIT or NEET. The series has been captivating to watch; especially after last season ended on such a sad note with one student taking their own life; it was heart-wrenching for Jeetu Bhaiya who struggled through grief but the show managed to capture that journey and triumphantly depicting his triumphant struggle in season 3.

The series also beautifully captures how challenging it can be for students to balance study with family life and social obligations, like friends. Preparation for exams often consumes all their free time – this straining their social and mental wellbeing is beautifully depicted here by Jitendra Kumar’s lead role of Jeetu Bhaiya alongside Tillotama Shome as Pooja didi, Mayur More as Vaibhav, Ranjan Raj as Balmukund, Harish Peddinti as Bablu and Alam Khan as Uday – an ensemble that makes this show special!

This season of IIT prep has taken the story of IIT prep to new levels. Students struggled with anxiety, jealousy and ego clashes throughout. The ending scene left everyone crying as everyone struggled to say goodbye to friends they had depended on all along.

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