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Why is Delhi So Hot and Humid? | best city in 2024 ? | delhi high temperature

Delhi So Hot

Shaw’s son laments the heat at his family’s roadside lunch stall without fans to provide relief from it. In rural Bihar, people would seek refuge in mango groves; here, however, vast pavement expanses absorb and reflect sunrays more effectively than natural terrain ever could.

Delhi’s climate offers distinct transition seasons: long and scorching summers; monsoon rains that bring plenty of rainfall; as well as an extremely brief winter. But most locals seem particularly concerned by its hot, prickling summer heatwave. Delhi So Hot

 Delhi So Hot | Weather

Delhi’s geographic position between the Himalayas in the north and Thar Desert in the south creates a landlocked climate despite being close to India’s largest river, creating arid winters and humid summers for residents. Delhi So Hot

Sweltering weather in Delhi is made worse by an urban heat island effect created by massive paved surfaces which absorb and reflect sunlight back onto themselves, while vehicles and air conditioners generate “waste heat,” adding further to overall smog levels. A recent study concluded that low-income neighborhoods may experience temperatures six degrees hotter than wealthy neighborhoods on any given day – showing starkly how unequal Delhi’s rich and poor can be. Delhi So Hot

Recent years have witnessed increasingly unpredictable weather patterns, with periods of extreme heat and humidity followed by periods of cool and rainy conditions. Delhiites enjoy lush parks and gardens during these transition periods as well as exploring ancient ruins–Dilli has more 15th-century tombs than Rome according to local guides–but the climate’s severity is taking its toll on those working outside such as delivery drivers and bricklayers, according to The Washington Post report from June. Heavy fog caused low visibility issues at Indira Gandhi International Airport this week while many schools closed in order to protect students from harsher conditions.

Delhi So Hot

 Delhi So Hot | Temperature

Delhi, as India’s capital city, can often become extremely hot and muggy during summer. Situated between the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal, which both supply moisture-laden air into Delhi from their shores, humidity-laden air often blows directly in making summer particularly oppressive and muggy. Delhi So Hot

Summer temperatures in Delhi can reach 45C during heat waves. These extreme conditions lead to air pollution that makes breathing difficult; particularly concerning are low-income households that do not have access to air conditioners or climate controlled buildings.

Hot and dry weather typically begins in March and continues through until the monsoon hits in June or July, providing much-needed relief from intense heat. At that time, the city receives ample rainfall with high levels of humidity. Delhi So Hot

After the monsoon season is over, temperatures in Delhi begin to decrease and humidity levels become bearable. Though still hot during the daytime hours, nights become significantly less humid with less intense heat levels during October/November; eventually becoming bearable by December when cold winds from Himalayan Mountains arrive bringing fog/smog which limits visibility significantly and may prevent any transportation activity, including road, rail and aviation travel.

 Delhi So Hot | Humidity

Humidity refers to the amount of moisture present in the air. When humidity reaches high levels, it becomes very uncomfortable and the body must work harder to cool itself down – therefore staying hydrated with plenty of fluid intake during these times can be critical in staying comfortable and making life bearable. Delhi So Hot

Delhi lies within an isolated landlocked region and far from the sea, giving it a continental rather than humid subtropical climate. This climate change is further amplified by its closeness to Himalayas and Thar Desert; thus resulting in scorching summers, monsoon rainstorms, short winters and two periods of pleasant transition weather known as Spring and Autumn. Delhi So Hot

Low-income residents such as Ghasiram can be especially susceptible to the extreme heat. Living in informal buildings with poorly insulated walls and inadequate ventilation is especially problematic in this heatwave; additional problems arise without access to air conditioning, electricity or reliable supplies of water; furthermore their homes could be closer to streets or workplaces that emit exhaust from vehicles or other sources of emissions that produce pollutants from vehicles and other sources that exacerbate the situation.

Delhi’s high temperatures and humidity levels are being caused by record-setting ocean heat being absorbed by the Arabian Sea, combined with wind from West Asia that blow warm. This has compounded urban heat island effects – cities warming faster than their peri-urban areas – increasing risks of heat stress for people, driving up power demand, according to CSE analysis.

Delhi So Hot

 Delhi So Hot | Rainfall

Capital City residents endure intense heat exacerbated by pollution are further burdened by widespread emissions that cling to much of the city. Paved surfaces absorb and then emit the sun’s radiation, while millions of vehicles, factories, and air conditioners produce waste heat that pervades airways – especially harmful in low-income neighborhoods that lack access to conditioned air or planned infrastructure.

Delhi’s only respite from its intense summer is monsoon rain, typically arriving around June or the first week of July and bringing temporary relief but often with high humidity levels and hotter than normal temperatures.

Delhi’s climate can be extreme, yet its residents have become used to it and adapt accordingly. Many residents rely on portable fans and air coolers during the hotter months; others take to Delhi’s numerous water bodies – like Yamuna and Ganges rivers – for cooling off purposes.

Capital winters tend to be short but relatively cool, rarely dropping below freezing but often feeling even colder due to wind chill. Thanks to being situated close to the Himalayas, air quality in New Delhi tends to be cleaner compared to elsewhere in India – plus this period brings frequent rainfall.

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